By: Meg Wolitzer BUY BOOK HERE

What moment in your life changed who you were? Was is defining and sudden? Or was it a slow progression? Essentially The Female Persuasion is about the people and experiences that shape our lives. It's about the people who guide and the people who follow. It acknowledges the flame we all want to believe is flickering inside us. My life experiences have caused me to be passionate about many things. Parents being more involved in their child's education, children having equal opportunity to read, advocating for girls in STEM occupations, infertility, Type 1 diabetes awareness, and gay rights + equality. Those are the things that light my fire and cause me to want to make a difference. The creation of Travel Through Text is my starting point. My personal fight + passion are unique to me. What difference do you want to make in your world?
While there are many incredible topics The Female Persuasion covers, I want to say that this isn't a book that every person who reads, will enjoy. It does have political topics that will not please all opinions. BUT it is thought provoking, and tender, and the evolution of who we are as people and our purpose.
“I think there are two kinds of feminists. The famous ones, and everyone else. Everyone else, all the people who just quietly go and do what they're supposed to do, and don't get a lot of credit for it, and don't have someone out there every day telling them they're doing an awesome job.”
To be admired by someone we admire - we all yearn for this: the private, electrifying pleasure of being singled out by someone of esteem. But sometimes it can also mean entry to a new kind of life, a bigger world.
Greer Kadetsky is a shy college freshman when she meets the woman she hopes will change her life. Faith Frank, dazzlingly persuasive and elegant at sixty-three, has been a central pillar of the women's movement for decades, a figure who inspires others to influence the world. Upon hearing Faith speak for the first time, Greer- madly in love with her boyfriend, Cory, but still full of longing for an ambition that she can't quite place- feels her inner world light up. And then, astonishingly, Faith invites Greer to make something out of that sense of purpose, leading Greer down the most exciting path of her life as it winds toward and away from her meant-to-be love story with Cory and the future she'd always imagined.
Charming and wise, knowing and witty, Meg Wolitzer delivers a novel about power and influence, ego and loyalty, womanhood and ambition. At its heart, The Female Persuasion is about the flame we all believe is flickering inside of us, waiting to be seen and fanned by the right person at the right time. It's a story about the people who guide and the people who follow (and how those roles evolve over time), and the desire within all of us to be pulled into the light.
“Throw yourself into new experiences," Faith went on. "Why not try to use your 'outside voice'? You know, I sometimes think that the most effective people in the world are introverts who taught themselves how to be extroverts.”